Interactive Electronics Design in Asheville, NC  

Interactive Map

We designed and built this interactive map as part of the History of Mining Exhibit for the Colburn Earth Science Museum in Asheville, North Carolina.  Our objective was to replace a simple and aging version of the map with one that delivered more information and was more exciting to use. 

  We integrated touch sensing technology with a moving spotlight in this exhibit. When visitors touch a raw mineral sample, the exhibit comes alive!  Suddenly, a spotlight appears and zips over to focus on the mineral just touched. Precious gems made from the mineral become visible behind a protective panel.  An interesting fact about the mineral is displayed and all the counties where the mineral can be found are indicated on the huge map of North Carolina above.  Touching another mineral changes the focus to it and the exhibit promptly responds.


Touch sensor input board used in the map exhibit.
Copyright 2007 Interactive Electronics Design, Asheville, Fairview, NC